Friday, August 3, 2007

Take 2... Day 16/16


Learned to wrap hands another way.

Watched The Godfather I & II.

Watched Harry Potter 5!

Read Nora Roberts’ Birthright, James Patterson’s Jack and Jill.

Improved my technique on knees.

Watched Ratatouille!!

Bought another pair of army pants ;)

Read Jack Du Brul’s Vulcan’s Forge… A book from the school.

Watched Casino… You know that show which stars Sharon Stone and Robert Deniro. Not bad actually.

Bought more DVDs!

Kicking technique was better.

Finally learned how to get a nice tan.

Learned a few more pump tracks.

Got my voice back.

I sucked at sparring.

Take 2... Day 15/16

Going home tomorrow!

Training still sucked today. Think body’s pretty burnt out cos I couldn’t sustain my stamina, panted like hell after every combo and needed to rest every few seconds. Very frustrating.

Thank goodness it’s my last day tomorrow. Actually didn’t even feel like training today, let alone tomorrow. Like I mentioned before, two weeks is tops for me. Let’s hope I’ll be able to recover some strength by skipping pump today…