Neck sore and stiff. So much for praying…
Didn’t sleep at all last night. Seriously considered skipping training but remembered the cleaning aunty will come in anyway so I dragged my ass out of bed. Needless to say training sucked, made worse with 6min rounders.
Trained with Boon Ma on last 2 rounds! Finally gotta train with him again but I seemed to have lost the flow of his style. Think I’m now more used to the Trio’s pattern and actually kinda prefer their way of holding the pads and speed. It’s still fun to train with Boon Ma cos there’s an element of sparring with him so I do have to stay very alert.
Did real sparring with him in the afternoon, hehe! Was a little hesitant at first since I haven’t done it for so long but somehow I just got right into it. It was great! Even tripped him a couple times hah!
OH OH! Finally got my muay thai shorts!! Got them to put my name on it too. Couldn’t decide between red or blue, finally got Tick (the salesgirl) to pick for me. So excited! Gonna wear it next week!
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