Friday, March 23, 2007

Day 10

Where I train everyday. There's 4 rings in total.
The bags area.
Weights section of the gym. Small but adequate.
See the bump right under my wrist? Big bruise.
Here's the pool. Small but not too bad.
Badge of honor hehe! Added a few more after this pic was taken
Here's my gloves! Cool eh!

One third into my stay here, time really flies. Honestly, what I’ve learned is not really applicable to the gym. It’s totally different, nothing like what we are teaching or what I’ve learned back home. I hope I can somehow use it but it’s doubtful. It would be great if I’m allowed to teach a special class using what I’ve learned. I’m thinking it’ll be in the same vein as JC Boxercise, almost like an extension of it. There would be elbows and knees of course. Hmm no kicks though… Mike would probably kick me first before I allow kicks in the class.

Wanted to do pump again today. Muscles were feeling pretty okay but after the morning session, decided to suntan instead hehe. Man, I was kicking and punching like a girl! Absolutely no power, very frustrating. So off I went to use their pool for the first time. I am not, I repeat, I am not going back without a tan. After the failed attempt at Krabi, I don’t care if I look ugly with a tan or end up like a burned cookie, I gotta have it. It was super hot. Stayed for an hour but wow, I could see the difference! Hah, guess I used the right suntan lotion this time!

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