Sunday, March 18, 2007

Day 3

Went for a light jog warm up and practiced a bit of capoeira this morning. Reason I did this even though I’m feeling aches from yesterday is partly cos the cleaning lady needs to tidy my room at 7ish training or no training, and of course to keep my momentum going.

Had brown rice, veggies, egg and chicken for breakfast. My first meal here was fried rice and pat thai…Not exactly healthy I was thinking. But fortunately, subsequent meals seemed more well-rounded. I’m stocking up on groceries anyways. Yogurt, bananas, more fruits, milk etc. Stuff are just dirt cheap here.

So we went to the muay thai event after breakfast. Man, it took like 3hrs just to get there! Don’t even ask how much time the trip back took. It was definitely interesting. Saw my first muay thai matches ever and I have to say I’m looking forward to seeing thais fight. You see, all the fighters today we saw was from other countries. The first match was probably the best and it just went mostly downhill from there. Most of them were fighting more like boxers who use legs.

I thought a lot of us at the camp was going but it turned out only 6 of us did. Apedej, Vince, Tony, Steven, Rema and me. It’s just great to meet these people here. Apedej really took care of us, insisted to pay for everything. Felt quite bad about it. He even got this police guy to take us to a really old temple which was just awesome. It’s so much better than the ones I saw in Bangkok city. This one seems more real, less commercialized if you know what I mean. Overall, tired but interesting day. Not something you’ll get to experience as a tourist tourist.

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