Wow, the baby leopard was just gorgeous. Girl by the way, couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw her. Have no idea how old she is and pretty feisty hehe. Managed to pet her while she restlessly paced about the studio.
Another long day.
Did pump again in the afternoon, if the weights are what I think they are, I’m making good progress. Right ankle hurting, think may have to lay off it during training tomorrow.
Sent you a reply email. =)
The leopard's GGGGorgeous. ROAR! (That's what leopards do rite? roar? if it's meow or sthg, i'll be damn disappointed.)
GET YOUR TAN. A LOT OF IT. i'm turning yellow being constantly under shelter at work, it sucks. you don't know how envious i am of the fact that u can afford to go out and laze under the sun and get a yummy tan to go with it. u know my love-love relationship with the sun. ;)
The bruises look scary, but badges of honour indeed. I hereby crown you 'MY TOUGH CHICA'. You can do it!
Try drinking some warm milk before getting into bed, should help you fall asleep easier.
Proud of my Muai Thai Warrior-ess! =) =)
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